Upcoming Webinars
Our webinars provide free expert advice on the most important steps in the college application process and charting a career direction.
Top 10 Nuances that Matter in the College Application Process
- Learn what counts in the process
- Brag sheets, recommendations, college fairs, college visits, email clicks?
Join our webinar to learn how 86% of our clients were accepted to one of their top 3 choices! Presented January 12 and 26.
Interview Like a Pro
- Know the types of questions you will be asked
- Understand what employers are evaluating
- Learn from common mistakes students make in the interview process
- Understand the pros and cons of using AI to prep
- Hear stories and anecdotes that will keep things real and light
Book A Free Introdoction
“A Good College Should Fit Like a Pair of Mom Jeans – So Should Your College Coaching Team!”
The College Coaches and Compass Education Group will help you “get comfortable” with the college process and standardized testing.
- Why is a Good College “Fit” Critical?
- Test Prep Timing? Tutor or Class? SAT or ACT?
- Sanity Saving Advice Worth $1,000,000 (for free!)
Link to our YouTube Channel to view, and subscribe for more!