Season Pass for Juniors or Seniors

Our strategic coaching is not limited to any number of meetings or emails.  It is as much strategic advice as you and your family need to be successful. 
We recommend the following 9 core meetings with optional 30 minute check-ins as needed. 
We provide all of the advice you will need from now through application submission, and even advise you after admissions decisions are made. 
This service also includes a highly personalized college list and resources unique to The College Coaches to ensure a winning outcome!

Watch the video below or book a free introduction to let us explain the details!  

3 Minute Overview Video of Season Pass

Resources Included in “Get in the Game” Season Pass:

Pricing for Season Pass

Pricing based upon $300/hr rate and @20-25 hours of labor, a $6,750+ value, priced at $4,499.

Ask about our 97% customer satisfaction rate and 75% admit rate to colleges with an average of 20%.

Schedule today - you have nothing to lose, and only knowledge to gain!