Upcoming Webinars
Our webinars provide free expert advice on the most important steps in the college application process and charting a career direction.
Top 10 Nuances that Matter in the College Application Process
- Learn what counts in the process
- Brag sheets, recommendations, college fairs, college visits, email clicks ?
Join our webinar to learn how 86% of our clients were accepted to one of their top 3 choices! Presented January 12 and 26.
Interview Like a Pro
- Know the types of questions you will be asked
- Understand what employers are evaluating
- Learn from common mistakes students make in the interview process
- Understand the pros and cons of using AI to prep
- Hear stories and anecdotes that will keep things real and light
College Planning for Students with Learning Differences
Understand how 504 Plans, IEPs, and Official Accommodation Plans are applicable in college
Prepare your student to be their own advocate once they leave high school
Determine which colleges offer accommodations best aligned with your student’s learning challenges
Navigate the college application, interview, and selection process successfully by preparing answers surrounding your student’s LD
Maximize Your High School Experience
- Learn how to get the most out of High School while preparing for College
- Balancing rigor while pursuing your interests
- Finding your passion and following it
Past Webinars
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Let’s Talk!
Our lifelong educators understand coaching high schoolers to identify and gain admission to a school that is best for them!
Free advice for your family means you have nothing to lose, only knowledge to gain.