Essay & Common App Class 

Class Objectives:

  • Knock Your Essay out of the Park
  • Complete the Common App 
  • Q & A with a Seasoned Pro 

Nights 1-3: Knock Your Essay out of the Park

College reps tell us what they don’t want to read, so we re-direct students to unique topics.

We help students select a compelling essay topic, craft a draft, and collaborate to revise and edit the essay. 

The essay is the one part of the application which is completely under the student’s control. It serves as the face of the application—and should reveal something about the student that is not discoverable from the application alone. 

Nights 4-5: Common Application Completion

  • Receive instruction on the Common Application
  • Complete each section of the application 
  • Ensure activities are arranged strategically with active verbs
  • Proofread entire application

Q & A with a Seasoned Pro

Ask away! You’ve got questions about the process—and we’ve got answers backed by years of experience.

Dates for Summer 2024: 

  • Aug 19-23 via Zoom (Starts 6:30 and ends 9:00 nights 1-3 and at 8:00 nights 3-4) plus 1-1 followup zoom for 30 minutes (Common App)
  • Aug 26-30 via Zoom (Starts 6:30 and ends 9:00 nights 1-3 and at 8:00 nights 3-4) plus 1-1 followup zoom for 30 minutes (Common App)

Cost: $995

If you have additional questions, please contact George  Note: A fixed-fee bundle for 1:1 coaching, The Game-Winning Essay, is available if these dates do not work for your family. Completing the common app 1:1 coaching is also available here.

More Details on Essay Instruction:

  1. Brief, engaging, road-tested presentation on what makes an effective essay (based upon direct feedback from college reps). 
  2. Brainstorming sheet to determine what distinguishes the student–again, road-tested. 
  3. Test-driving two possible topics followed by a consultation with one of our college coaches to select the winning topic. 
  4. Talking draft with a college coach or students draft on their own.
  5. Individual consultations for reviews, revisions, and editing.

If you have additional questions, please contact George  Note: A fixed-fee bundle for 1:1 coaching, The Game-Winning Essay, is available if these dates do not work for your family. Completing the common app 1:1 coaching is also available here.

Note:  You may choose another section for common app completion if that works better for your schedule if you like (Essay/Interview/Timeline class is not interchangeable).

Common App Completion (No Essay) for Summer 2024:

  • July 30-31: Common App Only (no essay) via Zoom (6:30-8:00 p.m.), and 1-1 followup for 30 minutes.
  • July 31-Aug 1: Common App Only (no essay) in-person 4 Gadsden St., Charleston, SC (5:30-7:00 p.m.), and 1-1 Zoom followup for 30 minutes.
  • August 21-22: Common App Only (no essay) via Zoom (6:30-8:00 p.m.), and 1-1 followup for 30 minutes.